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What to do these School Holidays!

Hi there! I know there is this running joke around how the school holidays always seem to come around so fast but let’s just take a minute to acknowledge the fact that these days we are gifted with our children when they are not at school and we can be together as a family are precious. Your child is NEVER going to be this young again so make the most of the time you have and enjoy all the fun activities that you can do together before they grow and change.


So, with this in mind I know you are still in need of ideas of what to do with your child or children for a few weeks and I know you may be feeling stressed about how you are going to keep the kid busy but also keep within your budget!


Don’t stress. I have heaps of awesome ideas for you. Some of these you may have heard before but I promise you will find a few things that you (and your child) are going to love these holidays.


I have separated my ideas into categories so that it can work for you whatever your budget allows! I have also tried to provide extra tips to go with some of the ideas so that you can make these days feel really special and create awesome family memories. Just remember that your days do not all have to be filled with amazing and super fun experiences (because this just gets too expensive and creates a standard that you will always have to keep up!). Keep your days simple, relaxing, enjoying simple things with a few special treats that don’t always have to cost lots of money!


Let me know which ones you like and I’d love a comment telling me which ideas you and your child enjoyed doing together!


Here's my list of school holiday activity ideas for parents of children aged 5-12 years:


Paid Activities:

1. Visit a Theme Park: Spend a day of thrilling adventures at a nearby theme park or amusement centre.

2. Attend a Workshop or Camp: Enrol your child in a workshop or camp focused on their interests, such as arts and crafts, coding, or sports.

3. Explore a Museum or Aquarium: Take a trip to a museum, science centre, or aquarium where kids can learn while having fun exploring interactive exhibits.

4. Go to the Movies: Treat your children to a day at the cinema to watch the latest family-friendly movies.

5. Sign Up for a Sports Activity: Enrol your child in a sports program or activity they've been wanting to try, such as swimming lessons, soccer camp, or gymnastics classes.


Free Activities:

1. Nature Walk or Hike: Take a hike or nature walk in a local park or nature reserve, exploring the beauty of the outdoors.

2. Picnic in the Park: Pack a picnic basket and head to a nearby park for a relaxing day of outdoor dining and playtime.

3. DIY Science Experiments: Conduct fun and educational science experiments at home using household items, exploring concepts like chemistry, physics, or biology. It is really simple to find some easy, fun experiments on the Internet!

4. Library Visit: Spend a day at the library, where kids can enjoy storytelling sessions, borrow books, and participate in free activities or workshops.

5. Outdoor Games Day: Organise a day of outdoor games and activities in your backyard or a local playground, including classics like tag, hide-and-seek, or a scavenger hunt.


Creative and Fun Activities at Home:

1. Arts and Crafts Day: Set up an arts and crafts station at home with various supplies for painting, drawing, sculpting, and crafting.

2. Baking and Cooking: Spend time together in the kitchen baking cookies, making homemade pizzas, or experimenting with new recipes.

3. Indoor Camping: Transform your living room into a cozy campsite with blankets, pillows, and sleeping bags for an indoor camping experience complete with storytelling and stargazing.

4. DIY Movie Marathon: Host a movie marathon day at home, complete with homemade popcorn and cozy blankets, where kids can watch their favourite films or discover new ones.

5. Family Game Night: Gather the family for a night of board games, card games, or puzzles, fostering friendly competition and bonding time together.



Once again, please comment to let me know which ones you like and I really hope you and your child enjoy happy times together these holidays!



Hi! I’m Chalkie.

I want to empower you to feel confident as a parent and to help you gain clarity about your parenting role!

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